The effect of Junk Food on Your Brain: Part 1: The Science Behind Cravings
Have you ever thought why do we crave junk food. Well it turns out that there is whole science behind it. Food companies spend millions of dollars trying understand the brains reactions when we see food. There is science behind specific food combinations and why do we...
Blood Sugar and Weight Loss: Part 3 – Strategies to manage your blood sugars
Now you have learnt the connection between blood sugar & weight loss; you have learnt the impact of different foods on blood sugar. Now its time to get into the strategies that can go along way helping you balance your blood sugars. So lets dive...
Blood Sugar and Weight Loss- Part 2 -impact on blood sugar with different kinds of foods
We all know that blood sugar increases when you eat food. However different foods increase blood sugar differently. Watch this video to learn how your blood sugar increases for different foods. Now, let’s chat in the comments: what are your questions around blood...