Hi, There!
I’m Alka.
I am a creativity nerd
I help individuals recognize the need to embrace creativity to create a life that they had once envisioned for themselves. I focus on inspiring them creating an intentional lifestyle with tiny creative habits one week at a time.

Guiding you on how to take care of yourself with…
You are what you eat! Making the right food choices is key to taking care of yourself and your body.
Arts & Crafts
When you involve yourself in any kind of creative activity the impact is magical and extremely calming!
Mindful Living
Living mindfully means being fully aware of all lifestyle choices that you make. Active selfcare = mindful living
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shop in my handmade products
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A bit about me
In today’s high paced world, do you sometimes wonder if you could slow down a bit!
If you could find some “ME” time! A time that is exclusively yours!
If there could be a simpler & quicker way to get healthier meals on the dining table!
If there could be a magical way to reduce your stress!
If your life could be a bit more organized!
If you could be happier and more content with your life!
You know, I was also struggling with all this a few years ago. I felt that I had no self-worth. I was running around fulfilling all my responsibilites, but there was no ME in the picture.
I knew something had to change so I began looking for answers.
Now if you are also looking for some answers, we are a match!
I would love to share my strategies and lifestyle tips with you.
Hello Hello Hello, I’m Alka Chopra, a Registered Dietitian & Certified Diabetes Educator and I am extremely passionate about teaching people how to live a happier & more content life by mastering tiny selfcare habits that lead to sustainable lifestyle changes “One Week at a Time”.
Now you may wonder and question me!
A new change each week?? WHAT? THAT’S TOO MUCH.
Well, the point is that you work through ONE tiny habit each week. Gradually these tiny habits become your lifestyle. When we make changes this way, the likelihood of you following through is much higher.
That’s why on my blog & YOU TUBE CHANNEL you will find articles & videos that talk about simple changes that can be put into action right away. You will find video’s on nutrition, recipes, lifestyle, crafting, arts, bath & body products and several wellness strategies.
For the past 15 years or so I have been following this mantra myself. And trust me it works. Even if you are able to follow your chosen change 1-2 times a week, it makes such a big difference.
Its kind of “Less is more”
What have I been upto since 1998!
I started practicing selfcare on a regular basis after my daughter was born. Whenever I had some free time I would find something artsy or craftsy to do. I also took some classes in glass painting, pot painting etc.
I chose arts & crafts since I grew up seeing my mom embroider, sew, knit. She was always busy doing something. Always using her ME time productively. Hence in my teen years I was drawn towards anything arts & crafts.
Summer vacation meant making something – either a painting, some cross stitch, some embroidery, glass painting or anything.
This practice made me so productive in my other responsibilities. And now it has become a habit. Rather an addiction . If I do not do anything creative over a week I feel something is missing big time, and do see an impact on my mood.
AND I am encouraging you to do so. Start small. Start with anything you like.
The Selfcare Concept: A much forgotten one!
From an aerial view what does an average person’s life look like?
It’s literally running around taking care of our family and friends. We look after our children until they are ready to take on life’s challenges on their own. We make sure that their needs are met with to the best of our means. And we make several sacrifices in this process.
AND who gets neglected in this process? Well its YOU!
Some of you may also think that investing some time & money on yourself is selfish. I love this quote:
“Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”
― Eleanor Brownn
When travelling via a plane the airline crew always advise us to put on your own mask first before helping anyone? WHY?
Well for obvious reasons! You need to take care of yourself first before you take care of others.
So, I am here to encourage you to be a bit selfish for yourself so you can take good care of your loved ones.
Read about
Selfcare with Nutrition
Nourish Yourself
Read about
Selfcare with
Arts & Crafts
Nurture Yourself
Read about
Mindful Living
Be in the know
Why is self-care important?
Increased productivity
Saying “Yes” to anything & everything does not increase productivity! Infact it decreases it. It gets overwhelming! And when you learn to say “no” you are actually taking care of yourself by making time for the other things that matter more to you. In turn this also helps you to really focus on those things making you more productive.
Increased self-knowledge
Question: how well do you know yourself?
When practicing self-care you are compelled to think about what you really enjoy doing. This exercise gets you to the feeling of being really passionate about what you chose to do further leading up to you understanding you even better.
You have more to give
Self-compassion is the best compassion! You ask why? Thats because if you are compassionate to yourself, you will be more considerate to others. In short you will be in a better position to give more to others. And practicing self-care does exactly this. When you value yourself you learn to value others as well.
Improved physical & emotional health
Did you know stress is the top most reason for poor physical & emotional health? Stress exhibits itself in the form of frequent cold, flu or falling sick & even physical symptoms like body pain or even back aches. When you manage stress with self-care activities, it improves your physical & emotional health big time.
Increased resistance to disease
Scientific evidence suggests that most self-care activities activate your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). This decrease your stress levels and in turn makes your immune system very strong & increases your resistance to any disease.
Improved self-esteem
When you invest time in yourself with self-care, you are valuing yourself as a person. You are giving yourself the due importance you deserve. If you value yourself others will as well. And that increases your self-esteem making you more confident & productive.
Read on
Selfcare with nutrition
Nourish yourself with knowledge, resources & nutrition to help create a strong and energized body and mind.
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Arts & Crafts
Nurture yourself by immersing yourself creating art & craft projects that keep you grounded and creatively occupied.
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Mindful Living
Living mindfully is all about being fully present and aware of whats going on around you. Really being present in the moment so you are able to enjoy every minute.
Some of my creative strategies…
These are some selfcare strategies I follow. You can too. They are simple, can be easily done at home, on your own time & with smaller budgets.

Selfcare with Simple Cooking

Selfcare with making your own home decor

Selfcare with making handmade products

Selfcare with making handmade soap

Selfcare with making your own jewelery

Selfcare with Painting & Crafting
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